Interested in heading a committee? If you are interested in any of the committees below, Email
Cost - Choose from the below levels of membership:
Regularly engaged in, or identified with, transportation, supply chain, or logistics services, and whose office or principal place of business is located within a 75-mile radius from the DFW Airport
.Regularly engaged in, or identified with, transportation, supply chain, or logistics services, and whose office or principal place of business is located outside a 75-mile radius from the DFW Airport.
An applicant under 35 years of age, who is regularly engaged in, or identified with transportation or logistic services (no restriction to office location or principal place of business).
Educator at an accredited college or university offering a degree in transportation or logistics.
Enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college or university and studying towards a degree in transportation, logistics, supply chain, or any business-related degree.
Selling a product directly related to or benefiting transportation, logistics, and/or supply chain companies.
Examples of qualifying vendors:
Examples of non-qualifying vendors:
Corporate Membership
It simplifies billing - rather than receiving separate dues invoices for all individuals who are members from a company, the company will receive one invoice.
Advertising - all Corporate Members will receive the following: